Individual speech therapy lesson automation of sound p. Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation "Visiting the Bunny"

Purpose: to automate the sound [s] in the middle of a word.

Tasks: educational:

Continue work on the development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

Automate the sound [s] in words in intervocalic position;

Continue to learn to hear and highlight the sound [s] in words in an intervocalic position;

Exercise in guessing riddles by highlighting essential features;

Exercise in the formation of genitive singular and plural nouns through the game “what happened?”;


Activate mental activity based on the game "finish the sentence";

Develop visual perception and constructive praxis by collecting a split picture;


Cultivate perseverance, curiosity.

Equipment: toy - fox Alice, box - package; subject pictures: beads, scales, fox, braid, wheels, wasp, sand, noses, watches, mustaches, masks, hair.

Course progress.

1. Today the fox Alice came to visit us. Let's show her what

your tongue can do exercises.

Articulation gymnastics: “tube”, “smile”, “fence”, “brush your teeth”, “angry cat”, “breeze”.

2. And now we will teach Alice to pronounce the sound [s]. Lips are smiling, teeth are in a fence, the tongue rests on the lower teeth, a stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue.

3. And now Alice will call you different words, and you clap your hands when you hear a word with a sound [s]:

fox - goat - writer - reader - piece - tray - wood - smear.

4. Fox Alice received the package, let's see what's there. There are so many different pictures in the package! Please name what is drawn here (beads, scales, fox, braid, wheels, wasp, sand, sock, watch, mustache, hair). Where is the sound [s] in all these words? ( In the middle of a word.)

5. Alice loves to play the game "tell the word". Play with her.

Ko( sa), track( sa), ne( juice), ve( sy), co( sy), boo( sy), hair( sy), But( sy).

6. Alice will tell you riddles. Try to guess them! (Based on pictures.)

Day and night they go, but they do not leave the place. ( Watch.)

bent into an arc,

In the summer - in the meadow,

In winter - on the hook. ( Spit.)

Four brothers run together along the same road,

And they won't catch up with each other. ( wheels.)

Red cheat

Chicken steals well. ( Fox.)

7. And now Alice will play with you the game "what's gone?". Look

look closely at the pictures, what's missing? (Pictures: wasp, braid, scales, mustaches, noses, masks.)

8. Listen to what Alice will tell you ... (The game “finish the sentence” based on pictures.)

Yesterday I was bitten in the nose ... ( wasp).

A sly, redhead lives in the forest ... ( fox).

Sonya has beautiful long ... ( hair).

Grandpa has gray hair ... ( mustache).

Mom has new red ones ... ( beads).

In the sandbox dry ... ( sand).

The car has four wheels).

10. Look, Alice brought you two pictures. One whole, and the other someone cut into pieces. Pick it up please. (Cut-off picture of "Foxes".)

Well done! Cope with difficult tasks, fox Alice gives you a picture.

11. The result of the lesson. What tasks did you do? What tasks did you like the most? Evaluation of the child's activities in the classroom.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson

Automation [ With ] in syllables, words

Target: Automate correct and clear sound pronunciation[ With] . Tasks:

    Prepare the articulation apparatus for correct pronunciation[ With]

    Fix the articulation posture for the pronunciation of the defective sound.

    Enter and fix sound[ With] with in syllables, in short words.

    Develop interest in speech therapy classes, the desire to learn correctly

make bad sounds.

Equipment: speech therapy probes, mirrors, turntables, butterflies on threads

for generating an air jet, cotton wool, picture material on the topic of the lesson, medals, cash registers for letters and syllables, antiseptic solution.

TSO: computer, electronic board.

Lesson progress:

The speech therapist offers the children to listen to “A cheerful chant. Fox." (the chant is accompanied by a slide presentation).

Have you guessed what sound we will work with today?

We have already worked with this sound, can you tell me what needs to be done in order to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly?

Breathing exercises.

In order for the tongue to become "obedient" it is necessary to perform exercises. First, I suggest you play the game "Football" (the speech therapist puts a small piece of cotton wool on the table, makes a goal and explains that cotton wool is a ball that needs to be blown into the goal to score a goal).

Make your lips a tube and blow forward, see how I do it. (children, together with a speech therapist, perform the exercise 4-5 times, the speech therapist controls the position of the lips, tongue, and the direction of the air stream)

The next exercise is called “Butterflies Fly” (a paper butterfly is glued on a thread). You must blow so that the butterfly flies forward, keep the position of the lips and tongue (children, together with the speech therapist, perform the exercise 4-5 times, the speech therapist controls the position of the lips and tongue, the direction of the air stream).

The next exercise is "Turntable", we will make the turntable spin for a long time. To do this, take the air with your nose and exhale through your mouth for a long time, slowly (children, together with a speech therapist, perform the exercise 4-5 times, the speech therapist controls the strength and direction of the air stream).

You can offer exercises to develop an air stream: “Blow off a snowflake”, “Whose breeze is stronger?” and others.

Well done!


The next exercise is for the cheeks. Puff out your cheeks, release the air. 3-4 times

Inflate your right cheek, release the air. Inflate your left cheek, release the air. 3-4 times

Inflate the right cheek, move the air to the left cheek and move to the right. 3-4 times Release the air.

The next exercise is Show Candy. Using the tongue, show the candy behind the right cheek, then behind the left. 8-10 times

Well done, now stroke your cheeks and clap.

The speech therapist invites students to prepare mirrors.

Articulation gymnastics

Remind me what exercises we will be doing.


Open mouth wider

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouths wide

Like a hungry hippo.

Open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position, then close your mouth (count up to 10 times). 3-4 times.

    "Frog - Elephant" (accompanied by a picture). On the count of "one", smile, show closed teeth and keep your lips in a smile. On the count of "two", pull the closed lips forward and hold them in this position. Alternate frog-elephant movements 5-6 times.

    "Knead the dough" (accompanied by a picture).

Let's show you how to knead the dough for pancakes and pies: smile, open your mouth and bite your tongue with your teeth: TA-TA-TA-TA….., smack your tongue with your lips: PY-PY-PY-PY...


We baked some pancakes

Cool down on the window.

Let's show what pancakes are. Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it still for a count of up to 10.

    "Brushing teeth" (accompanied by a speech therapist).

Show how the tongue brushes your teeth: smile, open your mouth, and brush your teeth strongly with the tip of your tongue (drive left - right) behind the lower teeth counting. 7-8 times. Now let's brush behind the upper teeth (mouth wide open). Do it slowly to the count of 8.

    "Pussy Angry" (accompanied by showing a picture and showing a speech therapist).

Let's show how the pussy gets angry and arches its back.

Smile, open your mouth, put the tip of your tongue on the lower teeth, bend the “back”, and press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of up to 10.

    Stroking and patting cheeks .

Fixing the articulatory posture.

You have to smile and keep your lips in a smile all the time;

Press the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth; the back is arched;

Bring the teeth together, but do not close;

Quietly blow: S-S-S-S….. The air jet should be cold.

Consolidation of pronunciation

Long pronunciation S-S-S-S ...

You can offer your child exercises: “Song of pumps”, “Movement along the paths”, “Balls”, “Ladder” and others. (the child can help himself with the movements of his fingers)

Fixing pronunciation in syllables and words

Reflected repetition

SA-SA-SA - slowly and for a long time




Development of attention and memory "Remember and repeat"




"Determining the place of sound in a word"

Boots, beads, braid, son, nose, kvass, bag, sock ... ..

"Sound Analysis of Words"


Introduction of syllables into words




SA-sa-sa-spit, wasp

Sy-sy-sy-mustache, beads

Co-co-co-wheel, meat, etc.

Physical education, electronic gymnastics for the eyes

Working with picture material

The speech therapist offers to take a picture to name what is shown, to explain the purpose of this subject. Exercise in coordinating cardinal numbers and nouns

If the picture is marked with a "5" icon, you need to count them up to five; if the picture is marked with *, name it in the plural.

Pronunciation of sentences

Sonya has juice. Sonya drinks juice. Sonya has a bag. Crockery in the bag.

Memorizing a tongue twister

SA-SA-SA- wasp in the garden

SY-SY-SY- the wasp has a mustache.

At the end of the lesson, the speech therapist praises the children and offers to listen to the “Cheerful chant” again, awards the medals “I made friends with the sound s”.


Correctional and educational:

W to strengthen articulation and isolated pronunciation of the sound Sh, continue to teach how to correctly pronounce the sound Sh in syllables and words, learn to determine the presence of sound in words, exercise in the formation of plural nouns by Im.P.


Develop articulation and fine motor skills; phonemic hearing; force of oral exhalation; visual attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate a cognitive interest in speech therapy classes, a positive emotional attitude to the lesson.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment: Speech rule:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Loud, clear, speaking

And we are never in a hurry!

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson. " Today, you and I will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound Sh.

3. Articulation-finger game training(exercises for sound Sh)

Fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a mouse. She woke up in her house, opened the window and went out onto the porch, basked in the sun ("Shovel") and the mouse went home to drink tea from a cup ("Cup"). She drank one cup of tea, another, a third. She remembered that she had jam and a bagel (“Delicious jam”, “Donut”). Then the mouse saw a fluff and decided to play with it a little (“Focus”).

4. Development of phonemic hearing.

Suddenly she wanted to play with a balloon. If you hold it badly, then air begins to come out of it: shhhh. Listen carefully and firmly clench your fists when the ball starts to descend: S, F, W, X, W, F, H, W, SHA, SA, SHU, ZHI, SHI, HAT, TOAD, FUR COAT, BOOTS, CAR

(The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words, and the child distinguishes the sound Sh, syllables with the sound Sh, words with the sound Sh).

5. Analysis of articulation

  • Lips rounded and slightly forward
  • Teeth close together but not touching
  • The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli, but not pressed against them.
  • The middle part of the tongue bends down.
  • The lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars.

A wide, warm air jet passes evenly across the middle of the tongue

Sound game: « The snake hisses ": inhale through the nose, exhale: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh

6. Negotiating the last sound

And then she wanted to play hide and seek. The mouse hid in its house and quietly rustles: sh - sh - sh. Why is she so snarling? She is looking at her pictures. Let's look and rustle together with the mouse: we ..., du ..., kamy ..., small ....

(The speech therapist shows and calls the picture to the child, and he finishes the last sound.)

7. Automation in syllables.

The mouse sat down at the piano and sang rustling songs. Listen to them and sing along with the mouse: sha - shu - sha, shi - sho - shi, she - sha - shu, sha - shi - sho.

(The child “plays” the “piano” with his fingers and pronounces syllable chains.)

And then she went to gnaw nuts: asha yshi esh ush ash

(The child pronounces syllables, connecting fingers on both hands)

8. Automation in words.

A) The mouse went for a walk, but cannot find the path. Help her. You need to select only those pictures in the name of which there is a sound Sh, and put them out of the pictures


b) the mouse decided to go to the store on the way. The mouse saw many different objects.

(Pictures are laid out in front of the child: a fur coat, a car, a wardrobe, a pillow, etc.).

The game "One - many" is held:

fur coat - fur coats, car - wardrobe - hat - pillow -

Well, now it's time for the mouse and home.

d) The mouse came home and began to compose poetry. And to make it easier for the mouse, tell her the last words.

Wears a bright comb, the mouse takes a shower,

our cheerful ... washes his tail, washes ...

Here the baby runs, Tires rustled softly -

Gray ... It's coming to us ....

9. The result of the lesson. It's time for us to say goodbye to the mouse. You helped her very well today! And what sound helped you in class?

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on automating sound [C] in syllables, words and sentences

Korogodina Anastasia Igorevna, teacher - speech therapist, Municipal preschool educational institution "Nursery - kindergarten No. 170 of the city of Donetsk"
Description of work: this material will be useful for speech therapists; the material is intended for children 5 years old; this material is used in individual work on automating the sound "C" in syllables, words and sentences.
1. Educational: automation of sound [С] in syllables, words and sentences.
2. Corrective:
to consolidate the skills of the correct pronunciation of the sound [С] in syllables, words, sentences;
develop articulation and fine motor skills;
develop phonemic awareness;
develop speech breathing;
develop clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness.
3. Developing:
to consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
develop attention, memory, thinking;
exercise in the ability to grammatically complete the sentence.
4. Educational:
create positive motivation in the classroom;
develop communication skills and listening skills.
Equipment: Sonya the Dog toy, Su-jok massager, promotional sticker.

Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment. Breathing exercises.
Speech therapist: Here is the signal that gave us the signal:
The time has come to work.
So we don't waste time
And we start working.
- inhale deeply with your nose, exhale with your mouth, inhale deeply again, exhale.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

1. "Smile" / "Tube"
Keeping lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible. Pulling closed lips forward. Once again.
If our lips smile
Look - the fence appears.
Well, if the sponges are a narrow tube,
So we can play the flute.
2. "Watch" / "Pendulum"
The mouth is open. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately stretch at the expense of the teacher to the corners of the mouth.
One after the other, one after the other
Arrows go around.
You lick both lips
Show me how the arrows move.
3. "Punish a naughty tongue"
Smile broadly. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip and, biting it lightly with your teeth, say "ta-ta-ta" for 5-10 seconds. Then slap your tongue with your lips, saying "pah-pah-pah" for 5-10 seconds.
Your tongue is a mischievous one,
He doesn't listen to you.
Tell him soon:
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"
4. "Pancake"

The mouth is open, a wide relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip. We slap the tongue with the upper lip: py-py-py. Lightly bite the tongue: ta-ta-ta.
We get up early in the morning
We bake delicious pancakes.
A stream in a frying pan
The dough spreads...
look how handsome
A pancake is obtained.
5. "Brush your teeth"
Smile, open your mouth with the tip of your tongue from the inside to “clean” the lower and upper teeth alternately.
Open your mouth, smile
Show me your teeth
Cleaning the top and bottom
After all, we don't need them.
6. "Gorka"
Mouth open. Rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth, lift the back of the tongue up.
The tongue falls behind the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back is very, very arched -
Here is what a slide turns out!
7. "Pussy angry"
Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth from the inside ("slide"). Wide tongue "roll out" forward and clean deep into the mouth (swing the hill). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a calm pace.
Our kitty got angry:
She forgot to wash the bowl.
You don't get close to her
The pussy can scratch!

3. Finger gymnastics.
Speech therapist: Look who came to us today! Who is this? This is a doggy. And what is the dog's name? Do not you know? I do not know either. Come on, let's ask. Her name is Sonya. Let's introduce ourselves to Sonya, she wonders who she will play with today. Sonya loves to play with the ball. And now, we'll show her how you can do it.
Finger game with a massager "su-jok".
I roll circles with the ball
Back and forth I drive him.
I will stroke their hands.
It's like I'm sweeping a crumb
And squeeze it a little
How a cat squeezes its paw,
I will press the ball with each finger,
And I'll start with the other hand.
Massage of the fingers with an elastic ring "su-jok".
One - two - three - four - five, / unbend fingers one at a time /
Fingers went out for a walk
This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.
This finger is for showing it off.
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle.
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled.
And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

4. Articulatory image of sound.
Speech therapist: Let's remember what position our lips, teeth and tongue occupy when pronouncing the sound "C". Lips stretched into a smile. The teeth are close together and create a barrier to the air stream. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

5. Pronunciation of an isolated sound [C].
Speech therapist: Dog Sonya loves very much when a cool breeze blows. Blow like a breeze S-S-S.

6. Physical education.
We will blow high: S-S-S
(The child stands on his toes, raises his hands up)
We'll blow low: S-S-S
(Child crouches)
We will blow far: S-S-S
(The child straightens up, leans forward, arms outstretched)
We will blow close: S-S-S
(Standing straight, hands to mouth)

7. Development of phonemic hearing.
Speech therapist: Clap when you hear the "S" sound.

8. Automation of sound (C) in tongue twisters.
Speech therapist: Imagine, our Sonya was bitten by a wasp. Now she is not friends with her. And you and I must reconcile them. We will all repeat the syllables, we will win this quarrel.
bitten in the nose by a wasp.
my nose became like a wheel.
I carry a wasp in my hand.
I'm not afraid of the evil wasp.

9. Automation of sound (C) in words and sentences.

Speech therapist: And now we will play the game "Soundbox". Name all the words. Follow the correct pronunciation of the sound.

Speech therapist: Look at the picture and say what the dog Sonya saw. Answer with a complete sentence. Dog Sonya saw ...

10. Summary of the lesson.
Speech therapist: What did you like the most? Who did you play today? What is the dog's name?

11. Evaluation of the child's speech activity.
Speech therapist: You did a great job today, pronouncing the sound [C] correctly.
Speech therapist: And Sonya also liked how you played with her and performed various tasks. For this, she wants to thank you and give you this sticker as a keepsake. Well done!

1. Yavorskaya O. N. Entertaining tasks of a speech therapist for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2015.
2. Agranovich Z. E. A collection of homework for overcoming the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. To help speech therapists and parents. - St. Petersburg, 2007.
3. Zhukova N. S. Lessons of a speech therapist: correction of speech disorders. – M.: Eksmo, 2013.
4. Iskhanova S. V. Game therapy in speech therapy: articulation transformations. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.

Target: automate the sound "C" in words consisting of two or three syllables.

Correctional and educational tasks.

  1. Fix the pronunciation of the sound "C" in compound words with a confluence of consonants.
  2. Uncover the meanings of the words train, wagons (vocabulary work).
  3. To form the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Correctional and developmental tasks.

  1. To fix with the child the concept of animate and inanimate nouns.
  2. The development of speech and auditory memory.

educational tasks.

Education of self-control over speech.


  • Doll.
  • A drawn train with wagons, the numbers 1, 2, 3 on the wagons.
  • Pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitches, owls, fox, juice.
  • Pictures: sailor, wasp, son, fox; sausage, wheel, scales, beads.
  • Pictures: bush, leaf, stork, pig, owl, pole, beetroot, cabbage, rhinoceros.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Today we will continue to learn to pronounce the sound [C] beautifully and correctly in syllables and words. Sonya doll, who cannot read and write, came to visit us. She will sit quietly and watch you work. If you cope with all the tasks, then you will find out what a surprise she has prepared.

Sit straight, keep your back straight, hands on your knees.

1. Articulatory gymnastics (complex 1, for whistlers).


Pull lips straight to ears

Frogs really like it.

Smiling… Laughing….

And their eyes are like saucers.

(The exercise “Smile” is performed - 5-7 times, lips are stretched in a smile, teeth are bared.)


Put the tongue with a spatula.

And take it easy.

The tongue needs to be relaxed.

And keep it under the account:

One two three four five!

The tongue can be removed.


My lips are a tube

Turned into a pipe.

Loudly I can blow:

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

(The exercise is performed with closed teeth, lips stretched forward 5-7 times.)

Exercise "Smile-tube". (Alternate exercises “1” and “2” 5 times.)

2. Clarification of the articulation structure of the sound "C". Sound analysis: blue, deaf. The air stream is cold. The tongue rests on the lower front teeth.

3. The game "Train".

On the board are models of wagons with the numbers 1, 2, 3, as well as pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitches, owls, fox, juice.

Speech therapist: This is a magic train. He will carry words-pictures. The train will only run when the picture words are correctly placed.

Pictures-words from one syllable should enter the first car,

in the second - of two,

in the third - from three syllables. Let's help the pictures take their places. Name all the pictures. Choose pictures with only one syllable in their names and put them in the first carriage (pictures in the second and third carriages are selected in the same way). All pictures are in place. The steam locomotive went, drove the wagons.

4. Differentiation of animate and inanimate nouns.

There are two rows of pictures on the board:

1 row: sailor, wasp, son, fox;

2nd row: sausage, wheel, scales, beads.

The speech therapist asks a question to each of the pictures of the first row: Who is this? What was my question about this picture?

Questions are also formulated for the pictures of the second row: What is this? What was my question about these pictures?

Look at the pictures in the first and second rows. To the pictures of the first row, I asked the question Who? And to the pictures of the second row, I asked the question What? What is the difference? The pictures of the first row depict which objects: living or inanimate? What about the second row pictures?

Conclusion: about living things we ask Who? About inanimate objects - What?

6. Guessing riddles:

Lives in the forest

and climbs into the chicken coop,

called a cunning beast?

Antoshka stands on four legs,

Soup and spoons on Antoshka?

The child determines which question the answer words answer. The speech therapist puts a picture of a fox on the board on the left, a table on the right.

6. The game "Select the pictures."

Pictures on the board: a bush, a leaf, a stork, a pig, an owl, a pillar, a beetroot, a cabbage, a rhinoceros. The child calls them.

Speech therapist: Name the words that answer the question Who? Put these pictures next to the fox picture. Choose pictures that answer the question What? and put them next to the picture table.

7. Specify the articulation of the sound "C". Name the words with the sound "C" that answer the question Who? What? Well done, and now look what a surprise Sonya doll brought.